A love letter to Beirut

Rocio Lozano
3 min readAug 5, 2020

Dear humans,

I know it’s already 2020, and we’ve tried to love each other as much as we can. I know it’s been hard since this terrible virus stroke into our lives and changed everything we were. I know some have found quarantine to be pretty amazing: work from home, time to be with family, some alone time, more sleep hours and a brake from people. Others, on the other hand, find themselves into an abysmal never ending stress and depression, with a total loss of hope and happiness.

This year has done nothing more than given us a reason to start think about the apocalypse or a zombie invasion, or perhaps the clear example of evil existence. This year has given us more surprises than we could have ever wished for. Me, I’m a person who likes to be surprised, but these are just killing me.

I know it seems it hasn’t been enough suffer and burden. I know many are giving up and living everything behind. Others are still fighting, but are a second away from going crazy. And maybe crazy is not that bad now that I think about it. Maybe crazy is the only way we’ll get to be happy and truly fulfilled, and that’s why children, with their fairytales, are always so confident and optimistic.

But life has so much to offer. This world has not given us all it has, and we are already giving up on it. Explosions that end many life’s and discourage others are no more that terrible disasters, but not enough reason to run away. Perhaps this is all happening so we can realize that we are not gods and we don’t have everything figured out. Perhaps these circumstances we’re living in are a way of reminding us we are humans, week and not supreme at all. That if we forget to love each other, others will forget to love us back.

Let’s turn our heads in search of empty harts and saddened faces. Let’s find hands that need to be taken and bodies to hug and love. Let us be aware of the once ending life and the privilege of being here and not there. No one said it was going to be easy. No one said it wasn’t going to be hard. But just so you know, dear Beirut and humanity… just so you know, we’re all together is this fight, you’re not alone and never will be. Because as human beings we were meant to be there for each other and not to be despicable cannibals in a digital world.

The world has slowed so you can rediscover yourself

Beirut was once clear and blue, and it will go back to that as soon as we understand we’re humans, not indestructible but weak, not unhappy but complete, not alone but together.

