The world was just fine

I haven’t been in this world that long, but I have lived enough to say that it is changing, fast and confident; it is changing but for worse.

Rocio Lozano
7 min readApr 18, 2023

Yesterday I was quiet, listening for the first time in a while to nature, wind, sound of trees and death leaves. I was looking at the sunset, one that, luckily, took too long to pass. It gave me time to realize the amazing world we live in. I had forgotten about it. Peaceful, clean, quiet, encouraging, but lonely. All that beauty I found in a piece of the world away from everything and everyone, and that is where the problem begins.

So then, I started getting creative with my thoughts. Why is it that I would rather live away from everything because only there I can find some peace, when I should want to live with others, in family, with friends and things to do. I realized that all that is chaos. However, this is not really my case. Yes, I guess you would consider me the privileged enemy of nowadays. It is true, I do not live in the chaos of many, I have a stable home, family, and parents, I go to school, I have worked, I have friends and go out with them, I have a boyfriend who respects me, and I have a dog (privilege right?).

So why then, I take the time to complaint about this “not ok world we are living in?”, why isn’t my “perfect” life being a shield to all problems? The truth is: because I care. I cannot sit by and stare at humanity losing its mind. I cannot sit by and watch how the simple nature and essence of us humans are fading away. It breaks my heart, but we are losing ourselves in all kinds of chaos that we can’t even begin to understand. We believed something at the beginning that has now turned out to be our worst nightmare. Let me take you for a while into what has captured my mind, kept me from having a good-night-sleep and probably cost me a couple of friends.

The fight for dignity is no more

I will just get to the point here. What is going on with womanhood? I wonder if that word is even going to exist some years from now. But, why are we taking any meaning there is left on that concept? It shocked me to see that some guy (Matt Walsh) made a documentary about trying to define what a woman is. I thought it was simple (it is). Why are we making tv about it? I understand there are many implications nowadays with what a woman or a man is, because if anybody can decide to be one of them, then, what are they? So, if it is only a matter of decision and personal feeling, we cannot give “womanhood” or “manhood” a specific meaning. I know, it’s complicated.

What troubles me here is that women have been in a constant fight for dignity, equality, rights, for many years; why is suddenly all of that destroyed? Wait, destroyed by whom? By women. In my head only makes sense that I am a woman because I was born that way, my nature tells me so, my body tells me so, my brain tells me so, despite any other feeling I may have, something is clear and that is that I was born female. I feel proud of it, I feel proud of who I am, proud of the long way women have come to achieving dignity and rights, I feel so proud of what I can do in this world because of many years of struggle of others. I know, again, I am privileged right? But let me tell you something, the path towards healing the confusion inside you will never be leaving behind who you are and running away from it just because you do not understand it. Today, I feel betrayed by feminism because they left behind the patriarchy of “macho men” to live under the tyranny of men who think they are women.

So, suddenly, all that meaning, just blows away. Now, being a woman doesn’t mean anything because it can mean whatever you want. Woman is nothing because it can be anything. And just like that, we are back to being a cero on the left.

Innocent minds are no more

This is something I am going to call a phenomenon. It hurts to see it happening, and it is scary. How could someone want to rise their children in a world like this one? “Maybe, if they are raised well, they can change the world” Oh! Wait…. if the state oversees that then we are lost.

The amazing thing about children is that they don’t have as much information in their minds as adults do. When they are born, they just don’t know anything (oh! I envy them). As soon as they have some weeks and months lived outside the womb, they start to absorb everything. They absorb if mom and dad fight or if nobody holds them or if somebody yells. Little baby sponges we have. Then, they grow older, just a little, and start acting according to what they absorbed, and keep doing it. Everything around them affects them, in a good or bad way. Older and older they grow, to become more mature, self-sufficient (in some ways), critical, and capable of making -some- decisions. All based on what they have been taught and shown at home and school mostly. So, does it sound smart to have them watch a show of some men dressed as women making aggressive sexual performances, where the children most get excited about, cheer and celebrate? What is going on here? Yes, I am talking about Drag Queens.

Are we teaching our children the essence and beauty of human sexuality or are we provoking them into thinking that sexuality is about extravagance, confusion, and disorientation? No child believes that a man that dresses as a woman is actually one, and that is the only proof of fact we need. If you show your kid the baby sibling that was just born, they are either going to say “oh, look a baby sister” or “hey, I have a baby brother” … and again, that is what they need to know. No less, no more. They don’t care about anybody’s confused feeling of who they are. And less they care about some exotic male person, showing sexually aggressive performances to them. All they want are toys, games, friends, and candy… let them be.

I could dive much more into how the woke culture (that means having a social and racial conscience, and questioning the oppressive paradigms and norms historically imposed by society or used to describe hypocrites who believe they are morally superior and want to impose their progressive ideas on the rest) is affecting the future of our societies by messing with the innocent minds of children, but we will leave that for later.

Life is no more

Finally, the cream of the crop: life. The beautiful life. It is why all of this writing started right? When I was saying how great life is and how amazing this world is. Life. Life. Life. What does it mean?

It is funny because here we are, very alive and living people trying to defend and define what is keeping us here now. I heard Ben Shappiro the other day arguing how, by destroying all the rules we can say that whoever stands up for those rules is an aggressor. That is what is going on right now in the Pro-life and Pro-choice movements. “Let’s say that life starts outside the womb or until 6/8/10 weeks of pregnancy” “let’s say that babies are not really alive until they are born” or better, “let’s say that if a baby is sick or has a disability, is not really worth living”. All this sounds to me as the fight against rules.

First, “let us say that a baby is not a person, let’s say it is a fetus, so that later we can say it is only a clump of cells so that later we can say it is a tumor”. Take the meaning out of the concept (just like with woman). Secondly, “let’s add the rape and incest factor” Why should a woman have to carry a baby she did not want in the first place and that will end up traumatizing her and leaving her with a burden all her life? “Oh no, I do not care about fixing the rape problem or her trauma, getting rid of the baby will do”. Public health then, turns out to be cero about preventing but more about “fixing”. Once again, the criminal runs free. Finally, why not emphasize the fact that “it is my body, and I can do with it whatever I want”. Nobody cares about the baby’s body; “if it depends on the mother we are allowed to kill it”. So now, dependency is a threat and gives us the right to end a life.

The discourse about lives’ worth has gone too far, makes no sense, has no science backing it up, and it is affecting the other two (and many) problems in our societies today.

Funny right? How giving something no meaning makes it all easier. Because if life, womanhood, childhood, innocence, parenting, education, relationship, marriage, means nothing, then we can do whatever we want with it. We can do whatever, and maybe even destroy a world that was just fine, leaving out of the picture so many real problems like crime, pornography, human trafficking, addictions, mental health. The societies will change for worse if we keep avoiding the truth that we went crazy and need to make amends for what we did.

